Water Treatment

Water TreatmentWater Treatment

An innovative & sustainable solution to increase treatment capacity and improve effluent quality
Upgrading wastewater treatment plants for capacity expansion or nutrient removal is challenged by process complexity, the need for larger tank volumes and increased energy consumption.

ZeeLung is an innovative solution that maximizes the treatment capacity from existing tank volumes while also reducing energy consumption. Conventional solutions require the construction of new tanks and other process intensification technologies are complex and energy-inefficient. ZeeLung, on the other hand, is a simple solution that increases treatment capacity in existing assets and reduces energy.

Resilient, simple & sustainable wastewater process intensification

We offer a broad range of technical services, and our expertise and experience spans the entire water cycle. This enables us to identify the right solution that is sustainable and deliverable from the beginning of a project. As we operate and maintain a large number of water and wastewater treatment plants across the globe, we are able to complement our technical abilities with our practical operator knowledge.
From carrying out a technical evaluation of the available technologies to overcome a water or effluent treatment problem to a full water and energy audit of your system, we can identify deliverable solutions in line with your key objectives.

Technical support, process troubleshooting and consultancy
Feasibility study
Water and energy audit
Strategic planning and risk analysis
Risk management and mitigation
Technology evaluation
Technical and financial due diligence
Asset management planning
Problem solving and bottleneck identification and evaluation


Otros servicios

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Empresa de Acueducto y Alcantarillado de Bogotá - ESP

Oficinas corporativas: Av. Calle 24 No. 37-15 Ciudad Bogotá D.C - Colombia

Teléfono Conmutador:(+57 601) 344 7000

Línea gratuita: En Bogotá 116 - Fuera de Bogotá 01-8000116-007

Línea Anticorrupción: 01-8000116-007

Canales de Atención: Físicos - Virtuales

Correo Institucional: notificacionesycomunicaciones@acueducto.com.co

Notificaciones judiciales: notificaciones.electronicas@acueducto.com.co

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