Example frontpage imageThe Bogotá Aqueduct was incorporated as a public establishment District By Agreement 105 of 1955, issued by the Administrative Council of the Special District of Bogotá. In compliance with article 164 of Decree Law 1421 of July 1993, the Organic statute of Bogotá DC,  and Article 17 of law 142 of 1994, the legal nature of Bogotá Aqueduct was amended by Agreement No.July 6th District 25 of 1995 and the Agreement No.01 of January 28, 2002, which defined the legal natura of it as industrial and Commercial Capital District, a provider of public services, endowed with legak personality, administrative autonomy and heritage independent.

As the rules applicate, Act 142 of 1994 states that utilities generally are governed by the rules of private law and, in particular, Law 489 of 1998 states that industrial and comercial enterprises develop district activities of an industrial or comercial and economic management under the rules of private law, except as otherswise provided by law.

According to the latter law, these companies are endowed whit legal personality, administrative and financial autonomy and independent capital , made entirely with public funds, property or the products thereof, or perfomance fees charged by the functions or services as well as contributions special destination as permitted by the Constitution.

The Company’s main home is the city of Bogotá. The duration of the Company is indefinite.

Population Served:

EAAB wáter supply services cover Bogotá and the Municipalities of Soacha, and Gachancipa, In addition, it also supplies wáter in bulk to the municipalities of Sopó, Tocancipá, Cajicá, Chía, Funza, Mosquera, Madrid and La Calera. The nominal coverage of wáter supply system in Bogotá os 99.9% in 2011 thanks to strong wáter supply system and distribution network. Thanks to several institutional reforms and major investment in the wáter supply infrastructure, in 2006 EAAB´s wáter supply  coverage in the City of Bogotá reached 99,4% with a total wáter treatment
Capacity of wáter of 29.48 m3/sec. The main  wáter supplysystems continu to be the Bogotá river system, Chingaza Systems and Tunjuelo alto systems. Wáter is supplied basically from three wáter treatment plants, because Bogotá is located in Highland, and there are no big rivers, it has to dependo n many reservoirs which are being constructed.

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Bogotá is the capital of the Republic of Colombia and plays a key role as political, economic and cultural center of the country, accounting with the biggest population (approximately 8.4 million people in 2011).